2020 Kansas Adult Care Executives
Joint Provider
Fire Marshal Workshop
July 29, 2020 at 9:00 AM
Virtual Conference held Via Zoom
9:00 am - Welcome
9:05 - 10:45 am - Resource Sharing, Relationships with Community Partners & Identifying the Needs of Residents During an Emergency -Sara Shirk - Emergency Services Planner II Mid-America Regional Council (MARC)
& Mike Parker Former FEMA Representative, Kansas City Multi Agency Coordination Group
10:45 - 11:00 am - Virtual Break
11:00 - 11:50 - Facility Emergency Preparedness Best Practices & Requirements for Adult Care Homes - Holly Noble, Long-Term Care Facility Administrator - Attica Long-Term Care Facility & Sandy Smith, Infection Preventionist - Attica Long-Term Care Facility
11:50- 12:20 - Top Citations in Kansas & COVID-19 Impact on Inspections - Ashley Rogers, Fire Prevention Education Consultant, Office of the State Fire Marshal
12:20 - 1:15 - Lunch Break
1:15 - 2:05 pm - Preparing, Planning, & Continuity of Operations During a Pandemic - Jennifer Hermon, KDHE Preparedness Program Deputy Director
2:05 - 2:35 pm - Local and State Roles and Resources & the Emergency Management Disaster Response Efforts to COVID-19 - Seth Konkel - Kansas Department of Emergency Management
2:35 - 2:45 pm - Virtual Break
2:45 - 4:05 pm - Health Care Coalition Role During a Pandemic, Resources, and Critical Contacts - Danielle Marten and Tami Wood, Co-Owners of Healthcare Coalition Partners of KS, LLC & NE & NW KSHCC Readiness and Response Coordinators
4:05 pm - Adjourn
The Joint Training Seminar for Kansas adult care home providers and KSFMO healthcare staff was created as the result of the cooperative efforts of the long-term care associations and the Office of the State Fire Marshal. KACE is pleased to offer this one-day session virtually for long-term care professionals to safely attend.
Administrators and Operators - This event is approved for up to 6.5 continuing education clock hours for Kansas licensed adult care home administrators and registered operators by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (LTS# A1427) in the core area of Administration.
Nurses - CNEs will be available for nurses.
At the completion of this program, the participants will:
Identify the needs of older adults in an emergency setting and explore how organizations and the community can help to increase the preparedness and resiliency of older adults during an emergency
Build community relationships for information sharing, resource sharing and increased communications that will assist during and emergency event through regional planning
Identify gaps in relationships and resource sharing specific to COVID-19
How to start your disaster training beginning with NIMS (National Incident Management System)
Utilizing NHICS ( Nursing Home Incident Command System)
Creating your HVA (Hazard Vulnerability Assessment) tailored to your facility's needs
Know the top fire safety citations in adult care facilities with a view toward lessening their prevalence
The importance of unified messaging, cross-training, communications, planning resources, and relationships building during an emergency
How and what your local emergency manager can do for your facility at the local and state level
Emergency management disaster response efforts to COVID-19
COVID-19 Future Planning
Defining health care coalitions and their role during COVID-19 and other emergencies
Identifying critical contacts to establish prior to an emergency
Event Flyer here.